2011-03-12 - CM's Comeback


10+ miles @ ~10.1 min/mi

Cara Marie Manlandro is testing the legs a week before her New York City half-marathon, her longest run since recovering from pneumonia last autumn and then winter break. At 0555 we set off for Bethesda on my usual loop, starting with the Capital Crescent Trail to Bethesda. About 0630 we pass the Lulelemon store, coincidentally just before a murder/scandal is discovered inside. After Old Georgetown Rd, then Cedar La across the north edge of NIH, we divert onto the neighborhood park path to avoid some hills and add a little distance. Homeward along Rock Creek Trail robins are hopping on the muddy ground. My left heel and hamstring twinge but not badly. On the final Ireland Dr climb to Walter Reed Annex as soon as my GPS reaches 9.98 CM decides it's time to take a walk break, even though I promise to note that in this report. Our splits: 10:47 9:57 10:39 9:36 10:01 9:55 9:51 9:58 10:03 10:11.

(cf. GPS trackfile, 2008-12-13 - Rock Creek West Loop, ...) - ^z - 2011-03-21